Added MASM-Low_Level_IO.asm
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TITLE Project 6 - String Primitives and Macros (MASM_Low-Level-IO.asm)
; Author: Andrew Scott
; Last Modified: 2022-03-13
; Course number/section: CS271 Section 400
; Project Number: 6 Due Date: 2022-03-13
; Description: Program asks for 10 signed integers from the user as strings.
; The strings are converted from ASCII to SDWORDs and stored
; in an array. Then, their sum, and the truncated average are
; calculated. After the calculations all numbers entered by
; the user as well as the results are converted back to their
; ASCII representations and printed as strings.
; name: mGetString
; Gets a value from the user
; preconditions: global variables are passed by reference
; receives: global variables userPrompt, userInput, userInputLen
; returns: stores user input in userInput
mGetString MACRO prompt:REQ, inString:REQ, stringLen:REQ
push EAX
push ECX
push EDX
push EDI
mov EDX, prompt
call WriteString
mov EDX, inString
call ReadString
mov EDI, stringLen
mov [EDI], EAX
pop EDI
pop EDX
pop ECX
pop EAX
; name: mDisplayString
; Prints a string to the output
; preconditions: strings must be passed by reference
; receives: outString - offset of string to be written to output
; returns: prints outString
mDisplayString MACRO outString:REQ
push EDX
mov EDX, outString
call WriteString
pop EDX
projectTitle BYTE "Project 6 - String Primitives and Macros, by Andrew Scott",13,10,0
description1 BYTE "You will be prompted to enter 10 signed decimal integers. Each integer must fit into a 32-bit register.",13,10,0
description2 BYTE "After you've entered 10 valid integers this program will display the integers, their sum, and their truncated average",13,10,13,10,0
userPrompt BYTE ". Please enter a signed number: ",0
invalidInput BYTE "ERROR: You did not enter a signed number or your number was too big. Please Try again.",13,10,0
listLabel BYTE 13,10,"You entered the following numbers:",13,10,0
sumLabel BYTE 13,10,"The sum of these numbers is: ",0
avgLabel BYTE 13,10,"The truncated average of these numbers is: ",0
retryPrompt BYTE "ERROR: Input was not a signed number or was too big. Please try again.",13,10,13,10,0
space BYTE " ",0
ecOption BYTE "**EC1: Number each line of user input and display a running subtotal of the valid numbers.",13,10,13,10,0
userOutput BYTE MAXSIZE DUP(?)
userInputLen DWORD 0
userInputNum SDWORD 0
inputIsValid DWORD 0
userArray SDWORD 10 DUP(0)
userArrayLen DWORD LENGTHOF userArray
userArraySum SDWORD 0
userArrayAvg SDWORD 0
inputCount DWORD 1
main PROC
; introduce the program
push OFFSET projectTitle
push OFFSET ecOption
push OFFSET description1
push OFFSET description2
call introduction
; prepare to get values from user
mov ECX, userArrayLen
mov EDI, OFFSET userArray
; get signed integers from user and store them
push OFFSET space
push OFFSET userOutput
push OFFSET inputCount
push OFFSET retryPrompt
push OFFSET userPrompt
push OFFSET userInput
push OFFSET userInputLen
push OFFSET userInputNum
call ReadVal ; get user input
inc inputCount
mov EAX, userInputNum
mov [EDI], EAX ; store user input
mov EAX, 0
add EDI, 4
loop _fillArray
; calculate the sum
mov ECX, userArrayLen ; prepare registers
mov ESI, OFFSET userArray
mov userArraySum, 0
mov EAX, userArraySum ; begin addition
mov EBX, [ESI]
add EAX, EBX
mov userArraySum, EAX
add ESI, 4
mov EAX, 0
loop _calcSum
; find average
mov EAX, userArraySum
idiv userArrayLen
mov userArrayAvg, EAX
; display all nums entered by user
mov ECX, userArrayLen ; prepare registers and display label
mov EDI, OFFSET userArray
mov EDX, OFFSET listLabel
mDisplayString EDX
_displayNums: ; begin loop to print nums in userArray
push OFFSET space
push OFFSET userOutput
push EDI
call WriteVal
add EDI, 4
loop _displayNums
call CrLf
; display sum
push OFFSET sumLabel
push OFFSET userOutput
push OFFSET userArraySum
call WriteVal
call CrLf
; display truncated average
push OFFSET avgLabel
push OFFSET userOutput
push OFFSET userArrayAvg
call WriteVal
call CrLf
Invoke ExitProcess,0 ; exit to operating system
main ENDP
; name: introduction
; Introduces the program
; preconditions: global variables projectTitle, description1, and description2 are strings
; postconditions: none
; receives: global variables projectTitle, description1, and description2 from the stack
; returns: prints the program intro
introduction PROC
push EBP
mov EBP, ESP
mDisplayString [EBP+20]
mDisplayString [EBP+16]
mDisplayString [EBP+12]
mDisplayString [EBP+8]
pop EBP
ret 16
introduction ENDP
; name: ReadVal
; Prompts the user to input a string of digits, validates the input, converts it
; to a signed int, then stores it. Uses local variable isNegative as custom
; sign flag and convertedInt as temporary storage for the integer after conversion.
; preconditions: retryPrompt, userPrompt, userInput are strings and global variables
; userInputNum is a DWORD global variable
; postconditions: none
; receives: global variables retryPrompt, userPrompt, userInput, userInputNum passed on stack by reference
; returns: signed integer stored in userInputNum
ReadVal PROC
;push EBP
;mov EBP, ESP
local isNegative:DWORD, convertedInt:SDWORD
push EAX ; preserve registers
push EBX
push ECX
push EDX
push ESI
; prepend line number to prompt
mov EDX, [EBP+36]
mov EBX, [EBP+32]
mov EAX, [EBP+28]
push EDX
push EBX
push EAX
call WriteVal
; get input from user
mGetString [EBP+20], [EBP+16], [EBP+12]
mov ESI, [EBP+16] ; prepare isNegative, ESI and ECX for _isNumeric loop
mov ECX, [EBP+12]
mov ECX, [ECX]
mov isNegative, 0
; begin loop to check sign and validate input
cmp AL, 43
je _positive ; check sign
cmp AL, 45
je _negative
cmp AL, 48 ; check input is numeric
jl _invalidNum
cmp AL, 57
jg _invalidNum
jmp _validNum
mov isNegative, 0 ; make sure isNegative is clear
jmp _validNum
mov isNegative, 1 ; set isNegative
loop _isNumeric
jmp _continue ; continue to conversion after confirming input is numeric
mDisplayString [EBP+24] ; display error if input is invalid and jump to re-prompt
jmp _tryAgain
; prepare registers, local, and counter (ECX) for conversion loop
mov convertedInt, 0
mov ESI, [EBP+16]
mov EAX, 0
mov EBX, 10
mov EDX, 0
mov ECX, [EBP+12]
mov ECX, [ECX]
; begin convert loop
cmp AL, 43 ; compare first character to +/- and skip if present
je _skipSign
cmp AL, 45
je _skipSign
sub AL, 48 ; begin conversion to SDWORD
push EAX
mov EAX, convertedInt
imul EBX
mov convertedInt, EAX
pop EAX
jo _invalidNum ; check for overflow before proceeding, jump to error and re-prompt if OV flag = 1
cmp isNegative, 1 ; negate if isNegative is set
je _convertToNeg
add convertedInt, EAX ; add current value to convertedInt
jo _invalidNum
mov EAX, 0 ; reset EAX to 0
loop _convert
jmp _storeValue ; jump to saving value to global variable after convert loop complete
neg EAX
jmp _add
_storeValue: ; store value in variable userInputNum by reference
mov EDX, [EBP+8]
mov EAX, convertedInt
mov [EDX], EAX
pop ESI ; restore registers and return
pop EDX
pop ECX
pop EBX
pop EAX
ret 32
ReadVal ENDP
; name: WriteVal
; Converts SDWORD input to ASCII and prints the data with it's corresponding label
; preconditions: global variables have been declared for the data label and SDWORD.
; Uses local variables remainder and quotient to hold results of division.
; postconditions: none
; receives: label and data global variables passed on stack
; returns: prints the data and label to the output
WriteVal PROC
local remainder:DWORD, quotient:DWORD
push EAX ; preserve registers
push EBX
push ECX
push EDX
push ESI
push EDI
; prepare local vars and registers for conversion and array filling
mov remainder, 0
mov quotient, 0
mov EBX, 10
mov ECX, 0
mov ESI, [EBP+8]
mov EAX, [ESI]
mov EDI, [EBP+12]
cmp EAX, 0
jl _negative ; check for negative input
; begin conversion from SDWORD to string
idiv EBX
mov quotient, EAX
mov remainder, EDX
add remainder, 48
mov EAX, remainder
push EAX ; save value to add later
inc ECX ; increment counter for adding to byte array later
mov EAX, quotient
cmp EAX, 0
jne _convert ; keep looping until quotient = 0
jmp _fillByteArray
mov AL, 45 ; add '-' (ASCII 45) as first byte if negative
mov EAX, [ESI]
neg EAX ; reverse sign before continuing to _convert
jmp _convert
; begin filling array
pop EAX ; pop values pushed during conversion
stosb ; store popped values in array
loop _fillByteArray
mov EAX, 0 ; terminate string
mov [EDI], EAX
; invoke mDisplayString to print byte array
mDisplayString [EBP+16]
mDisplayString [EBP+12]
; restore registers and return
pop EDI
pop ESI
pop EDX
pop ECX
pop EBX
pop EAX
ret 12
WriteVal ENDP
END main
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