syntax = "proto3"; package weather; option go_package = ""; //import "location.proto" // Sub-message used by Current & Extended to specify preferred units enum Units { UNITS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; UNITS_STANDARD = 1; UNITS_METRIC = 2; UNITS_IMPERIAL = 3; } /* Get the current forecast for a given location * Commented parameters in the message definition are not implemeneted yet * location_type {enum} - name or value * units {enum} - name or value * city {string} - case insensitive, spaces and punctuation allowed * zip_code {string} - non-numeric values permitted * coordinates {Coordinates} - Coordinates message with latitude and longitude */ message RequestCurrent { // LocationType location_type = 1; // Units units = 2; string city = 1; // optional string zip_code = 2; // Coordinates coordinates = 2; } // Response to RequestCurrent message SendCurrent { string payload = 1; } /* Get the extended forecast for a given location up to 16 days in the future * Commented parameters in the message definition are not implemeneted yet * location_type {enum} - name or value * units {enum} - name or value * city {string} - case insensitive, spaces and punctuation allowed * zip_code {string} - non-numeric values permitted * coordinates {Coordinates} - Coordinates message with latitude and longitude * days {uint32} - number of days to fetch, max 16 */ message RequestExtended { // LocationType location_type = 1; // Units units = 2; string city = 1; // optional string zip_code = 2; // Coordinates coordinates = 3; uint32 days = 2; } // Response to RequestExtended message SendExtended { string payload = 1; }