syntax = "proto3"; package weather; option go_package = ""; /* Get the latitude and longitude for a given location * Commented parameters in the message definition are not implemeneted yet * location_type {LocationType} - name or value of the desired LocationType enum * location {OneOfLocation} - city name, zip code, or coordinates */ message RequestLocation { LocationType location_type = 1; OneOfLocation location = 2; } // Response to RequestLocation message SendLocation { float latitude = 1; float longitude = 2; } // Sub-message for OneOfLocation // Used to specify actual coordinates for the desired location message Coordinates { float latitude = 1; float longitude = 2; } // Sub-message for RequestLocation, RequestCurrent, and RequestFiveDay // Used to specify the desired location: city, zip code, or coordinates. message OneOfLocation { oneof location_id { string city = 1; string zip_code = 2; Coordinates coords = 3; } } /* Enum to specify the location type for which data is needed. * Helps the API find info for the correct location. If unspecified, an * attept is still made. However, results may be inaccurate if city is used, * or fail entirely if zip code or coordinates are used. */ enum LocationType { LOCATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; LOCATION_TYPE_CITY = 1; LOCATION_TYPE_ZIP_CODE = 2; LOCATION_TYPE_COORDS = 3; }