
157 lines
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2022-12-22 04:07:12 -05:00
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Colors: gruvbox-dark, forest night, zenburn
! Source:
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{{if eq .chezmoi.hostname "helix" }}
2022-12-22 04:07:12 -05:00
! Laptop screen DPI
Xft.dpi: 216
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2022-12-22 04:07:12 -05:00
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! Gruvbox !
! --------!
! hard contrast: *background: #1d2021
! medium contrast: *background: #282828
! soft contrast: *background: #32302f
! *background: #1d2021
! *foreground: #ebdbb2
! ! Black + DarkGrey
! *color0: #282828
! *color8: #928374
! ! DarkRed + Red
! *color1: #cc241d
! *color9: #fb4934
! ! DarkGreen + Green
! *color2: #98971a
! *color10: #b8bb26
! ! DarkYellow + Yellow
! *color3: #d79921
! *color11: #fabd2f
! ! DarkBlue + Blue
! *color4: #458588
! *color12: #83a598
! ! DarkMagenta + Magenta
! *color5: #b16286
! *color13: #d3869b
! ! DarkCyan + Cyan
! *color6: #689d6a
! *color14: #8ec07c
! ! LightGrey + White
! *color7: #a89984
! *color15: #ebdbb2
! Everforest !
! special
*.foreground: #d8caac
*.background: #323d43
*.cursorColor: #7fbbb3
! black
*.color0: #4a555b
*.color8: #525c62
! red
*.color1: #e26c6e
*.color9: #e68183
! green
*.color2: #9bb86f
*.color10: #a7c080
! yellow
*.color3: #d5b26b
*.color11: #dbbc7f
! blue
*.color4: #6eb2a9
*.color12: #7fbbb3
! magenta
*.color5: #cf87a9
*.color13: #d699b6
! cyan
*.color6: #72b783
*.color14: #83c092
! white
*.color7: #d0bf9b
*.color15: #d8caac
! Zenburn !
! *background: #3f3f3f
! *foreground: #dcdccc
! ! Black + DarkGrey
! *color0: #282828
! *color8: #709080
! ! DarkRed + Red
! *color1: #705050
! *color9: #dca3a3
! ! DarkGreen + Green
! *color2: #60b48a
! *color10: #c3bf9f
! ! DarkYellow + Yellow
! *color3: #f0deae
! *color11: #dfcf9f
! ! DarkBlue + Blue
! *color4: #506070
! *color12: #94bff3
! ! DarkMagenta + Magenta
! *color5: #dc8cc3
! *color13: #ec93d3
! ! DarkCyan + Cyan
! *color6: #8cd0d3
! *color14: #93e0e3
! ! LightGrey + White
! *color7: #dcdccc
! *color15: #ffffff
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