#!/bin/sh ## Here be dragons # If paru is installed this script will update an Arch or Arch-based system, # including AUR packages, without asking for confirmation. Never use it if you # don't know how it will impact your system. For more information on safely # updating see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/System_maintenance#Upgrading_the_system alias paru='paru --noconfirm --skipreview' alias zigup='zigup --install-dir "${HOME}/.local/share/zigup" --path-link "${HOME}/.local/bin/zig"' updates=$(checkupdates) aur_updates=$(paru -Qua) rust_has_update=$(rustup check | grep -c 'Update') if [ "$updates" = "" ] \ && [ "$aur_updates" = "" ] \ && [ "$rust_has_update" -eq 0 ]; then echo "System is already up to date." exit 0 fi river_has_update=$(echo "$aur_updates" | grep -c 'river-git') zls_has_update=$(echo "$aur_updates" | grep -c 'zls-git') if [ "$rust_has_update" -ne 0 ]; then rustup update fi if [ "$river_has_update" -ne 0 ] && [ "$zls_has_update" -ne 0 ]; then zigup 0.13.0 paru -Syu river-git --ignore zls-git zigup master paru -S zls-git elif [ "$river_has_update" -ne 0 ]; then zigup 0.13.0 paru -Syu zigup master else zigup master paru -Syu fi