# List of basic packages I typically install. You may not need all of them. # Adjust as necessary. # Arch repos bspwm sxhkd pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth pavucontrol neofetch dunst gsimplecal dex feh emacs neovim kitty ranger rofi rxvt-unicode papirus-icon-theme ttf-font-awesome ttf-hack xsecurelock xss-lock polkit-gnome gnome-keyring xorg-xserver xorg-xinit xorg-xsetroot xorg-xrandr xorg-xset xclip maim xdotool dbus-pyton # AUR polybar pulseaudio-control neovim-plug-git xidlehook gruvbox-dark-gtk spotify spotify-adblock-git polybar-spotify rofi-power-menu st vimix-gtk-themes-git # Laptop/Thinkpads (for xbacklight etc., your needs may vary) acpi_call acpi_call-lts # only if LTS kernel installed, see 'acpi_call-dkms' for other variants acpilight # or 'light' is sometimes needed for older thinkpads rtw89-dkms-git # wifi for thinkpad t14 gen2 amd, not needed for kernel 5.16 or later