Zig: completed Resistor Color

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Scott 2024-08-13 16:10:04 -04:00
parent cb46967714
commit 24249a9ddb
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GPG key ID: 7CD5A5977E4931C1
6 changed files with 181 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"authors": [
"files": {
"solution": [
"test": [
"example": [
"blurb": "Convert a resistor band's color to its numeric representation.",
"source": "Maud de Vries, Erik Schierboom",
"source_url": "https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/issues/1458"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Help
## Running the tests
Write your code in `<exercise_name>.zig`.
To run the tests for an exercise, run:
zig test test_exercise_name.zig
in the exercise's root directory (replacing `exercise_name` with the name of the exercise).
## Submitting your solution
You can submit your solution using the `exercism submit resistor_color.zig` command.
This command will upload your solution to the Exercism website and print the solution page's URL.
It's possible to submit an incomplete solution which allows you to:
- See how others have completed the exercise
- Request help from a mentor
## Need to get help?
If you'd like help solving the exercise, check the following pages:
- The [Zig track's documentation](https://exercism.org/docs/tracks/zig)
- The [Zig track's programming category on the forum](https://forum.exercism.org/c/programming/zig)
- [Exercism's programming category on the forum](https://forum.exercism.org/c/programming/5)
- The [Frequently Asked Questions](https://exercism.org/docs/using/faqs)
Should those resources not suffice, you could submit your (incomplete) solution to request mentoring.
- [The Zig Programming Language Documentation][documentation] is a great overview of all of the language features that Zig provides to those who use it.
- [Zig Guide][zig-guide] is an excellent primer that explains the language features that Zig has to offer.
- [Ziglings][ziglings] is highly recommended.
Learn Zig by fixing tiny broken programs.
- [The Zig Programming Language Discord][discord-zig] is the main [Discord][discord].
It provides a great way to get in touch with the Zig community at large, and get some quick, direct help for any Zig related problem.
- [#zig][irc] on irc.freenode.net is the main Zig IRC channel.
- [/r/Zig][reddit] is the main Zig subreddit.
- [Stack Overflow][stack-overflow] can be used to discover code snippets and solutions to problems that may have already asked and maybe solved by others.
[discord]: https://discordapp.com
[discord-zig]: https://discord.com/invite/gxsFFjE
[documentation]: https://ziglang.org/documentation/master
[irc]: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23zig
[reddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zig
[stack-overflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/zig
[zig-guide]: https://zig.guide/
[ziglings]: https://codeberg.org/ziglings/exercises

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Resistor Color
Welcome to Resistor Color on Exercism's Zig Track.
If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`.
## Instructions
If you want to build something using a Raspberry Pi, you'll probably use _resistors_.
For this exercise, you need to know two things about them:
- Each resistor has a resistance value.
- Resistors are small - so small in fact that if you printed the resistance value on them, it would be hard to read.
To get around this problem, manufacturers print color-coded bands onto the resistors to denote their resistance values.
Each band has a position and a numeric value.
The first 2 bands of a resistor have a simple encoding scheme: each color maps to a single number.
In this exercise you are going to create a helpful program so that you don't have to remember the values of the bands.
These colors are encoded as follows:
- black: 0
- brown: 1
- red: 2
- orange: 3
- yellow: 4
- green: 5
- blue: 6
- violet: 7
- grey: 8
- white: 9
The goal of this exercise is to create a way:
- to look up the numerical value associated with a particular color band
- to list the different band colors
Mnemonics map the colors to the numbers, that, when stored as an array, happen to map to their index in the array:
Better Be Right Or Your Great Big Values Go Wrong.
More information on the color encoding of resistors can be found in the [Electronic color code Wikipedia article][e-color-code].
[e-color-code]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code
## Source
### Created by
- @massivelivefun
### Based on
Maud de Vries, Erik Schierboom - https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/issues/1458

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub const ColorBand = enum(usize) {
pub fn colorCode(color: ColorBand) usize {
return @intFromEnum(color);
pub fn colors() []const ColorBand {
return std.enums.values(ColorBand);

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const resistor_color = @import("resistor_color.zig");
const ColorBand = resistor_color.ColorBand;
test "black" {
const expected: usize = 0;
const actual = resistor_color.colorCode(.black);
try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "white" {
const expected: usize = 9;
const actual = resistor_color.colorCode(.white);
try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "orange" {
const expected: usize = 3;
const actual = resistor_color.colorCode(.orange);
try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "colors" {
const expected = &[_]ColorBand{
.black, .brown, .red, .orange, .yellow,
.green, .blue, .violet, .grey, .white,
const actual = resistor_color.colors();
try testing.expectEqualSlices(ColorBand, expected, actual);