# Freelancer Rates Welcome to Freelancer Rates on Exercism's C++ Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. If you get stuck on the exercise, check out `HINTS.md`, but try and solve it without using those first :) ## Introduction The built-in number types in C++ can be divided into integers and floating points. Integers are whole numbers like `0`, `691`, or `-2`. Floating point numbers are numbers with a decimal point like `6.02214076`, `0.1`, or `-1.616`. ## Integers The following example shows the declaration and initialization of four different variables ```cpp int m_morales{9241}; // base 10: 0-9 int a_apaec{0x24CD}; // base 16: 0-9 and A-F int m_gargan{0b10010000011001}; // base 2: 0-1 int b_reilly{022031}; // base 8: 0-7 // Leading with a 0 not the letter o. ``` When you assign a value to an `int` variable, you can do so directly with a literal. A literal is a hard-coded number like `9241`. There are different integer literals for several bases of the representation. Decimal integer literals are the most common and use the digits `0` to `9`. By adding a special prefix, like `0x`, it is possible to use other bases. The example above shows the number `9421` in its four representations and prefixes. All variables are initialized to the same value. For more details on the different representation systems, take a look at [a small tutorial][cpp_numerical_bases]. You can use an apostrophe to separate digits for easier readability. `9'241` is the same as `0b0100'100'0001'1001` or `92'4'1`. ## Floating-Point Numbers The floating-point literals come in two flavors. In addition to the intuitive `0.0024` it is possible to use its scientific notation `2.4e-3`. The most common floating-point type is `double`. ## Arithmetic C++ supports `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `(` and `)` and `%` to form expressions. The result from the operation between two integers is also an integer. `5 / 2` will return `2`. When one of the involved types is a floating-point type, the result will also be of a floating-point. `5.0 / 2` and `5 / 2.0` will return `2.5`. `%` is the remainder operator and will return the remainder of an integer division: `5%3` is `2`. ## Assignment operator The assignment operator assigns a variable with a literal. Always takes place from right to left, and never the other way around. ```cpp int length = 5; int width = 2; length = width; ``` Here integer value `5` is assigned to the variable `length`. Then integer value `2` is assigned to variable `width`. Finally value of `width` is copied to the variable `length` and the earlier value `5` will be lost. Consider also that we are only assigning the value of `width` to `length` at the moment of the assignment operation. Therefore, if the value of `width` changes at a later moment, it will not affect the value taken by `length`. Assignment operator can be combined with the other operators(arithmetic & bitwise) known as `compound assignment` operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`. These operators modifies the current value of a variable by performing an operation on it. ```cpp // we start with 0 people int people{}; // we need 0 eggs int eggs{}; // two people joined: people += 2; // people is now 2 // let's add 3 eggs per person eggs += 3 * people; // eggs is now 6 ``` Variables `people` & `eggs` are initialized to `0`. Then, we add integer value `2` over the existing value `0` of the variable `people` and assign it back to `people`. `people` becomes `2` now. Later, we add `3` eggs for each person, which turns out to be `6` eggs in total. Now add this `6` to existing value `0` of the variable `eggs` and assign it back to `eggs`. `eggs` will be `6` now. The equivalent expression would be `people = people + 2` and `eggs = eggs + (3 * people)`. [cpp_numerical_bases]: https://cplusplus.com/doc/hex/ ## Instructions In this exercise, you'll be writing code to help a freelancer communicate with a project manager. Your task is to provide a few utilities to quickly calculate daily and monthly rates, optionally with a given discount. We first establish a few rules between the freelancer and the project manager: - The daily rate is 8 times the hourly rate. - A month has 22 billable days. Sometimes, the freelancer is offering to apply a discount on their daily rate (for example for their most loyal customers or not-for-profit customers). Discounts are modeled as fractional numbers representing percentages, for example, `25.0` (25%). ## 1. Calculate the daily rate given an hourly rate Implement a function called `daily_rate` to calculate the daily rate given an hourly rate as a parameter. The contract defines that a day has 8 billable hours. ```cpp daily_rate(60) // => 480.0 ``` The returned daily rate should be of type `double`. ## 2. Calculate a discounted price Implement a function `apply_discount` to calculates the price after a discount. It should accept two parameters: the original price and the discount rate in percent. ```cpp apply_discount(150, 10) // => 135.0 ``` The returned value should always be of type `double`, not rounded in any way. ## 3. Calculate the monthly rate, given an hourly rate and a discount Implement a `monthly_rate` function to calculate the discounted monthly rate. It should have two parameters, an hourly rate and the discount in percent. ```cpp monthly_rate(77, 10.5) // => 12130 ``` The returned monthly rate should be rounded up (take the ceiling) to the nearest integer. ## 4. Calculate the number of complete workdays given a budget, hourly rate, and discount Implement a function `days_in_budget` that takes a budget, an hourly rate, and a discount, and calculates how many complete days of work that covers. ```cpp days_in_budget(20'000, 80, 11.0) // => 35 ``` The returned number of days should be rounded down (take the floor) to the next integer. ## Source ### Created by - @vaeng