# Hints ## General ## 1. Tracking Poker Rounds - Lists in Python may be [constructed][constructed] in multiple ways. - This function should [return][return] a `list`. ## 2. Keeping all Rounds in the Same Place - Sequence types such as `list` support [common operations][common sequence operations]. - This function should [return][return] a `list`. ## 3. Finding Prior Rounds - Sequence types such as `list` support a few [common operations][common sequence operations]. - This function should [return][return] a `bool`. ## 4. Averaging Card Values - To get the average, this function should count how many items are in the `list` and sum up their values. Then, return the sum divided by the count. ## 5. Alternate Averages - Sequence types such as `list` support a few [common operations][common sequence operations]. - To access an element, use the square brackets (`[]`) notation. - Remember that the first element of the `list` is at index 0 from the **left-hand** side. - In Python, negative indexing starts at -1 from the **right-hand** side. This means that you can find the last element of a `list` by using `[-1]`. - Think about how you could reuse the code from the functions that you have already implemented. ## 6. More Averaging Techniques - Sequence types such as `list` already support a few [common operations][common sequence operations]. - Think about reusing the code from the functions that you just implemented. - The slice syntax supports a _step value_ (`[::]`). ## 7. Bonus Round Rules - Lists are _mutable_. Once a `list` is created, you can modify, delete or add any type of element you wish. - Python provides a wide range of [ways to modify `lists`][ways to modify `lists`]. [common sequence operations]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#sequence-types-list-tuple-range [constructed]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list [return]: https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_keyword_return.asp [ways to modify `lists`]: https://realpython.com/python-lists-tuples/#lists-are-mutable