"""Functions to help edit essay homework using string manipulation.""" def capitalize_title(title): """Convert the first letter of each word in the title to uppercase if needed. :param title: str - title string that needs title casing. :return: str - title string in title case (first letters capitalized). """ return title.title() def check_sentence_ending(sentence): """Check the ending of the sentence to verify that a period is present. :param sentence: str - a sentence to check. :return: bool - return True if punctuated correctly with period, False otherwise. """ return sentence.endswith(".") def clean_up_spacing(sentence): """Verify that there isn't any whitespace at the start and end of the sentence. :param sentence: str - a sentence to clean of leading and trailing space characters. :return: str - a sentence that has been cleaned of leading and trailing space characters. """ return sentence.strip() def replace_word_choice(sentence, old_word, new_word): """Replace a word in the provided sentence with a new one. :param sentence: str - a sentence to replace words in. :param old_word: str - word to replace. :param new_word: str - replacement word. :return: str - input sentence with new words in place of old words. """ return sentence.replace(old_word, new_word)