const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; const grains = @import("grains.zig"); const ChessboardError = grains.ChessboardError; test "grains on square 1" { const expected: u64 = 1; const actual = try grains.square(1); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "grains on square 2" { const expected: u64 = 2; const actual = try grains.square(2); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "grains on square 3" { const expected: u64 = 4; const actual = try grains.square(3); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "grains on square 4" { const expected: u64 = 8; const actual = try grains.square(4); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "grains on square 16" { const expected: u64 = 32_768; const actual = try grains.square(16); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "grains on square 32" { const expected: u64 = 2_147_483_648; const actual = try grains.square(32); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "grains on square 64" { const expected: u64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_808; const actual = try grains.square(64); try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "square 0 produces an error" { const expected = ChessboardError.IndexOutOfBounds; const actual = grains.square(0); try testing.expectError(expected, actual); } test "square greater than 64 produces an error" { const expected = ChessboardError.IndexOutOfBounds; const actual = grains.square(65); try testing.expectError(expected, actual); } test "returns the total number of grains on the board" { const expected: u64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615; const actual =; try testing.expectEqual(expected, actual); }