
60 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const isogram = @import("isogram.zig");
test "empty string" {
try testing.expect(isogram.isIsogram(""));
test "isogram with only lower case characters" {
try testing.expect(isogram.isIsogram("isogram"));
test "word with one duplicated character" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("eleven"));
test "word with one duplicated character from the end of the alphabet" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("zzyzx"));
test "longest reported english isogram" {
try testing.expect(isogram.isIsogram("subdermatoglyphic"));
test "word with duplicated character in mixed case" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("Alphabet"));
test "word with duplicated character in mixed case, lowercase first" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("alphAbet"));
test "hypothetical isogrammic word with hyphen" {
try testing.expect(isogram.isIsogram("thumbscrew-japingly"));
test "hypothetical word with duplicated character following hyphen" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("thumbscrew-jappingly"));
test "isogram with duplicated hyphen" {
try testing.expect(isogram.isIsogram("six-year-old"));
test "made-up name that is an isogram" {
try testing.expect(isogram.isIsogram("Emily Jung Schwartzkopf"));
test "duplicated character in the middle" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("accentor"));
test "same first and last characters" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("angola"));
test "word with duplicated character and with two hyphens" {
try testing.expect(!isogram.isIsogram("up-to-date"));