// // We were able to get a printable string out of a many-item // pointer by using a slice to assert a specific length. // // But can we ever GO BACK to a sentinel-terminated pointer // after we've "lost" the sentinel in a coercion? // // Yes, we can. Zig's @ptrCast() builtin can do this. Check out // the signature: // // @ptrCast(value: anytype) anytype // // See if you can use it to solve the same many-item pointer // problem, but without needing a length! // const print = @import("std").debug.print; pub fn main() void { // Again, we've coerced the sentinel-terminated string to a // many-item pointer, which has no length or sentinel. const data: [*]const u8 = "Weird Data!"; // Please cast 'data' to 'printable': const printable: [*:0]const u8 = @ptrCast(data); print("{s}\n", .{printable}); }