// // "Trunks and tails // Are handy things" // from Holding Hands // by Lenore M. Link // // Now that we have tails all figured out, can you implement trunks? // const std = @import("std"); const Elephant = struct { letter: u8, tail: ?*Elephant = null, trunk: ?*Elephant = null, visited: bool = false, // Elephant tail methods! pub fn getTail(self: *Elephant) *Elephant { return self.tail.?; // Remember, this means "orelse unreachable" } pub fn hasTail(self: *Elephant) bool { return (self.tail != null); } // Your Elephant trunk methods go here! // --------------------------------------------------- pub fn getTrunk(self: *Elephant) *Elephant { return self.trunk.?; } pub fn hasTrunk(self: *Elephant) bool { return (self.trunk != null); } // --------------------------------------------------- pub fn visit(self: *Elephant) void { self.visited = true; } pub fn print(self: *Elephant) void { // Prints elephant letter and [v]isited const v: u8 = if (self.visited) 'v' else ' '; std.debug.print("{u}{u} ", .{ self.letter, v }); } }; pub fn main() void { var elephantA = Elephant{ .letter = 'A' }; var elephantB = Elephant{ .letter = 'B' }; var elephantC = Elephant{ .letter = 'C' }; // We link the elephants so that each tail "points" to the next. elephantA.tail = &elephantB; elephantB.tail = &elephantC; // And link the elephants so that each trunk "points" to the previous. elephantB.trunk = &elephantA; elephantC.trunk = &elephantB; visitElephants(&elephantA); std.debug.print("\n", .{}); } // This function visits all elephants twice, tails to trunks. fn visitElephants(first_elephant: *Elephant) void { var e = first_elephant; // We follow the tails! while (true) { e.print(); e.visit(); // This gets the next elephant or stops. if (e.hasTail()) { e = e.getTail(); } else { break; } } // We follow the trunks! while (true) { e.print(); // This gets the previous elephant or stops. if (e.hasTrunk()) { e = e.getTrunk(); } else { break; } } }