
792 B



  • Don't forget the ; after each statement.
  • You can define an integer with int myInteger = 44;.

1. Get the baking time.

  • The instructions have information on the time for the recipe.
  • A function can return a value in the form of return 2;

2. Get the preparation time.

  • You can access the number of layers by using the respective parameter.
  • You can do calculations when you define an integer: int myInteger = 3 + myOtherInteger;

3. Calculate the time left in the oven

  • You can call other functions and use the returned value like variables: return 22 * myOtherCalculation();

4. Calculate the total time spent on the lasagna

  • The output should combine the time for the preparation and the time the lasagna has already been in the oven.